Want a successful FLS?

We can help.


Dream it.

Build it.

Grow it.


Our Services

Our FLS experts will pull from a tool kit of evidence-based resources to help you build or optimize a successful and sustainable FLS program whether you are a private practice, an academic institution or an integrated health system.

  • Complete client needs analysis  

  • Gain C-Suite buy in and support

  • Address financial considerations of program budget and ROI  

  • Run baseline audit of fracture patients to assess scope of program

  • Assemble group of Key Stakeholders, led by a designated champion, to guide and provide input on implementation of FLS program

  • Build customized Business Plan with clearly defined goals and a plan to measure goals  

  • Choose registry for data capture

  • Educate on billing and coding specific to FLS

  • Implement & meet measures to demonstrate value for eventual accreditation and reimbursement

  • Build customized Clinical Care Pathway (CCP) to take patient from identification to initiation of treatment

  • Develop customized FLS workflow and clinic logistics to determine how patients will be identified and worked up and managed 

  • Optimize EHR for CCP/FLS

  • Educate and support of FLS Coordinator and staff 

  • Share best practices in marketing your FLS within your organization and externally in your community

  • Follow up and trouble-shoot for FLS site at pre-specified intervals going forward


Our Vision/Goals

We join the National Osteoporosis Foundation and the National Institute of Health’s “Pathways to Prevention” program to achieve a goal of fracture risk reduction by 2023 through Population Health.  Our company’s vision and goals align with this effort. We strive to:

  • Reduce the Care Gap that exists for 80% of patients who sustain a fracture; are never worked up for the underlying cause of the fracture or initiated on any treatment and experience increased morbidity & mortality

  • Expand the nationwide implementation and optimization of Fracture Liaison Service programs and protocols, which are a demonstrated solution to address this Gap in Care 

  • Mandate that Fracture Liaison Service programs or secondary fracture prevention protocols exist in every practice or organization that treats patients who have sustained a fracture due to osteoporosis

  • Ensure all patients who have sustained a fracture have access through a Clinical Care Pathway to a FLS or a provider who adheres to a secondary fracture prevention protocol

  • Improve identification of patients at risk for fracture by increasing number of and reimbursement for DXA screening

  • Reduce the incidence of subsequent fractures in patients by 50% through the use of approved pharmacologic treatments

  • Standardize the guidelines for Osteoporosis Treatment

  • Reduce healthcare costs associated with secondary fractures currently estimated to be $6.3 Billion per year and rising

  • Train more Advanced Practice Providers to assume the role of FLS Coordinators

  • Improve and expand utilization & reimbursement of Telemedicine technology in FLS Clinics


“When I joined the South Texas Fracture Prevention Clinic in 2017 as their FLS Provider, I was motivated by the opportunity to provide a better continuum of care for patients who have suffered fractures due to Osteoporosis. The RPJ FLS team played a critical role in helping to fast track my efforts as an FLS provider.  RPJ FLS helped me develop and execute an efficient process of identifying, investigating and initiating treatment in patients.  RPJ FLS also helped educate our staff on billing, coding, quality measures and data registries. Their ongoing support, advice and guidance has helped me build a robust clinic that has dramatically increased the number of patients we see each month.

— Annette Annette Gantz, NP

South Texas Fracture Prevention Clinic in San Antonio


Get in touch.

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you are interested in starting a FLS, or you have a post fracture osteoporosis program in place that is not functioning well. We are here to help. If you have any questions or would like additional information, fill this form out and a member of our team will reach out to you. Remember, we are here to help. It’s about the Right People Joining together to do this!